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Clutter Trucker 720-982-7856

Why Should You Hire a Professional to Declutter Your Home?

The term is “pack rat.” That’s the term a lot of people use to describe someone who tends to accumulate “stuff” whether it’s useful stuff or not. To be clear, this doesn’t necessarily refer to someone with a hoarding disorder, though those folks would fall within the definition of a pack rat. The term refers to people who won’t let go of stuff until the accumulation becomes unbearable.

Why Should You Hire a Professional to Declutter Your Home?

When the clutter does become unbearable, something has to give. A decision has to eventually be made about how to go about getting rid of junk. The choices are rather clear. Either, the pack rat has to do the work themselves or they have to seek a company that provides home organization services to come and bear the burden on their behalf.

If you find yourself in this situation, it’s likely you’ll feel overwhelmed by the degree of your clutter. You might also face the prospect of lacking the motivation to part with some of your accumulated stuff. A home organizing service in Denver like Clutter Trucker won’t be overwhelmed, and we certainly won’t be partial to your stuff. Our job would be to solely focus on decluttering your home.

Benefits of Hiring A Decluttering Service

Benefits of Hiring A Decluttering Service

Saving You Time and Effort

Of course, the #1 benefit you would derive from hiring a decluttering service would be saving yourself time and effort. This is a huge benefit if you live a busy lifestyle and don’t have time to clean the right way. Professional home organization services know how to tackle any decluttering service job while exerting a minimum of effort for maximum results.

As for saving you effort, it can be quite a physical task to go through your home and remove clutter. Depending on the extent of your clutter problem, it could put a real strain on your physical body. You can eliminate the possibility of strain by hiring a professional home decluttering company.

Saving You Time and Effort
Creating More Living Space

Creating More Living Space

Aside from removing unsightly clutter from your home, you would also get the opportunity to create additional living space. That would make it easier to move about and perhaps reorganize or redecorate the home should that be your desire.

It’s an Eco-Friendly Option

If you were to do the decluttering on your own, it’s very likely that you would rent a truck, load it up, and dispose of it at the nearest place you can find. That might not be the most eco-friendly way to dispose of your clutter.

It's an Eco-Friendly Option

A decluttering company uses a very different approach to the junk disposal process. Our approach is an eco-friendly approach. We would take the time to organize the clutter and sort it into three piles. One pile would include items that could be reused or repurposed. That pile might be donated to charitable organizations (more on that in the next section). The second pile would include items that can be recycled. We would take that pile to a local recycling center. The last pile would go to the best possible landfill where it would be treated in the most eco-friendly way possible.

Make Donations to Charities

Make Donations to Charities

One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. At Clutter Trucker, we have connections to several reputable charities that love receiving donations of junk from decluttering services.

Oftentimes, these charities will take the junk they receive, clean it up, fix it up, or repurpose it. By doing this, they are able to distribute useful items to the needy throughout the community while also providing employment for folks who might not otherwise have work. Sometimes, these charities will resell the items to raise money for other charitable efforts. Oftentimes, these charities will take the junk they receive, clean it up, fix it up, or repurpose it. By doing this, they are able to distribute useful items to the needy throughout the community while also providing employment for folks who might not otherwise have work. Sometimes, these charities will resell the items to raise money for other charitable efforts.

Removing Household Hazards

As junk accumulates in your home, it holds the potential of creating hazards. For instance, stuff lined up in hallways and doorways can interfere with safe passage through such areas. Sooner or later, someone is going to trip and fall, something that could have been avoided had the clutter not been there.

There is also the potential of unsanitary rodents and pests migrating to the home in anticipation of stuff to eat or a secure place to hide. To be clear, pests bring with them diseases. If your home is clean and clutter-free, it’s like a “no occupancy sign” to most pests.

Removing Household Hazards
Increase Your Property's Value

Increase Your Property’s Value

At some point, you might want to sell your home. Prior to doing that, you’ll want to clean things up so you can show the interior to prospective buyers. This would be exactly the right time for some Denver deep cleaning. On top of decluttering your home for the presentation, we could also return to help you with some Denver move out cleaning.

As part of our move out cleaning service, we could handle tasks like

  • Carpet removal or cleaning
  • Cleaning cabinets and appliances inside and outside
  • Cleaning of windows and window coverings
  • Cleaning of floors and walls where safe
  • Final trash removal

DIY versus Hiring a Professional Decluttering Service

As you contemplate what to do about your clutter, your first instinct might be to Do-It-Yourself. As we mentioned above, that could interfere with your busy life while also putting a strain on your body.

The reality is you might not even know where to start. While DIYers usually have the best of intentions, they don’t always have the expertise to do things the right way. If you were to attempt to declutter on your own, there are risks that might not be material issues for our people at Clutter Trucker. The risks would include bodily injury and the possibility of collateral damage to the property (furniture, walls, floors).

As a professional home organizing service in Denver, we provide our staff with access to the right training and tools for removing all kinds of junk. We can also allocate the right manpower to ensure the job gets done quickly, efficiently, and properly without collateral damage.

Conclusion: We tend to get a little lazy when it comes to throwing things out and keeping the home organized. If you let things go too long, clutter becomes a real possibility. If you were to let things go too far and want help decluttering, you want help from a quality decluttering service like Clutter Trucker. Our services are available at affordable prices.

About Jennifer Hanzlick

Clutter Trucker is a Denver-based hoarding clean-out company founded by Jennifer Hanzlick. Jennifer leveraged 15 years of corporate experience in to start the company in 2008. Her mission is to help and educate individuals and their loved ones who have hoarding disorder. A featured speaker at Ted X Boulder, Jennifer works directly with community and non-profit organizations to boost public awareness about the condition. To that end, she founded the Colorado Hoarding Task Force in 2015.