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How Many Hoarders Relapse? Prevention and Recovery

Hoarding disorder is a severe mental health condition that creates a persistent difficulty in discarding or parting with possessions, leading to intense clutter that interferes with daily life. Both for those suffering from hoarding disorder and for those who wish to help a friend or loved one suffering from it, it’s crucial to understand the complexities of this mental condition, especially how many hoarders relapse even after initially looking for treatment. Relapse rates significantly impact the long-term success of hoarding recovery efforts, which makes it essential to delve into the reasons behind relapse and to create strategies to prevent it if one wants to overcome it.

11+ Years Experience dealing with Hoarding

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Hoarding Disorder

When you think about hoarding disorder, you think it’s all about collecting items.

It’s so much more than that.

Hoarding disorder is a chronic condition that affects a person’s emotional, physical, social, and financial well-being. A person suffering from this affliction isn’t someone who just “likes to keep things around” or “just doesn’t like throwing things away”. Hoarders face significant stress at the thought of discarding items, no matter how much those items are actually worth. This behavior arises from a multitude of underlying issues, especially severe attachment to objects and a sense of responsibility over possessions.

The key characteristics of hoarding disorder include:

  • Persistent Difficulty Discarding or Parting with Possessions
  • Accumulation of Objects
  • Distress and Impairment

For a more detailed explanation, you can refer to our comprehensive guide on Hoarding Disorder. 

Do Hoarders Ever Recover?

Not per se, but compulsive hoarding does exhibit compulsive behaviors similar to an addiction, which can be significantly challenging to overcome. However, recovery is possible with the right approach and appropriate treatment and support.

Some of the factors that can help with hoarding treatment include:


Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has proven effective in treating hoarding disorder by helping individuals recognize and change the beliefs and behaviors that contribute to the problem.

Support Systems

Support from family, friends, and specialized groups help hoarders navigate their journeys, providing emotional and practical assistance. 

Multifaceted Treatment

The approach often includes both psychological and practical interventions. This could range from therapy sessions to hands-on decluttering assistance.

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How Many Hoarders Go Back to Hoarding?

Hoarder in a pile of clothes

Despite making progress, many hoarders relapse during or after treatment. 

This happens due to a multitude of factors:

  • Psychological Triggers: Emotional difficulties, stress, anxiety, and depression can act as triggers and lead individuals to revert to hoarding as a coping mechanism.
  • Lack of Support From Loved Ones or Professionals
  • Insufficient Treatment Duration: Incomplete treatment or insufficient therapy duration can lead to unresolved underlying issues, making relapse more likely.
  • Environmental Factors: Moving to a new home or experiencing significant life changes can also lead to a relapse.

Furthermore, hoarders who went back to hoarding often faced compound challenges:

  • Emotional Distress: The shame and frustration of relapsing can intensify feelings of isolation and guilt.
  • Worsening Conditions: Each relapse can lead to more severe clutter, making the recovery increasingly difficult each time.
  • Strained Relationships: Relapses can strain relationships with family and friends who might feel frustrated or helpless.

For local support in areas like Denver and Colorado Springs, you can visit our website: for invaluable resources and services tailored to hoarding-related needs.

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What Percentage of Hoarders Relapse?

Relapse rates for hoarding disorder can vary. 

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology in 2014 found that approximately 50% of individuals with hoarding disorder showed improvement after receiving treatment. 

However, it’s important to note that this study defined improvement as a reduction of hoarding symptoms, not a complete elimination of hoarding behavior. Therefore, the relapse rate could be higher depending on how relapse is defined. 

It’s a complex condition and treatment outcomes can vary widely among individuals.

Strategies to Prevent Relapse

cognitive-behavioral therapy

Given the high relapse rates, it’s important to implement effective strategies to prevent hoarders from returning to old habits.

Regular Therapy

Continued engagement in cognitive-behavioral therapy can help reinforce positive behaviors and address emerging issues promptly.

Support Groups

Participation in support groups provides a community of individuals who understand the challenges of hoarding. This can offer emotional support and practical tips. You can see how best to help a hoarder on our page.

Family Involvement

Families can play a crucial role in the recovery process. Educating family members about hoarding disorder and involving them in the recovery plan can help create a supportive environment.

Monitoring and Follow-ups

Regular follow-ups with mental health professionals ensure that any signs of relapse are addressed quickly. Monitoring helps catching early signs of relapse, allowing for timely intervention.

Structured Routine

Encouraging a structured daily routine helps in managing time effectively, reducing the likelihood of falling back into hoarding behaviors.

Decluttering Assistance

Visit our services page for information on professional assistance in decluttering and maintaining an organized living space, crucial in preventing relapse.

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Additional Help – Clutter Trucker

clutter trucker team

Clutter Trucker offers a range of services to support individuals struggling with hoarding disorder. Our team understands the unique challenges associated with hoarding and provides compassionate, professional assistance tailored to each client’s needs.

Personalized Junk Removal Services

Clutter Trucker removes any non-hazardous unwanted clutter or junk. We provide all the labor, loading, and disposal, no matter where the items are located.

Hoarding Cleanup

We understand the “clutter” people have accumulated over time is full of memories. We know that your belongings are not all junk and that eliminating the “clutter” and even trash is sometimes difficult or emotional.

Extreme Cleaning

In addition to offering junk removal services in the Denver Metro area and nearby, we provide exceptional cleaning services. You do not have to feel guilty or embarrassed because we have seen it all. Kindness and attention are our go-to’s.

11+ Years Experience dealing with Hoarding

Need someone to talk to that understands hoarding?

Get a Free Hoarding Clean-up Estimate.
Or call us today for immediate assistance.

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Understanding how many hoarders relapse is essential for developing effective treatment and prevention strategies. The journey to recovery is often challenging, with many facing setbacks along the way. However, with support systems, continuous therapy, and effective decluttering interventions, the chances of sustained recovery can be significantly improved.

About Jennifer Hanzlick

Clutter Trucker is a Denver-based hoarding clean-out company founded by Jennifer Hanzlick. Jennifer leveraged 15 years of corporate experience in to start the company in 2008. Her mission is to help and educate individuals and their loved ones who have hoarding disorder. A featured speaker at Ted X Boulder, Jennifer works directly with community and non-profit organizations to boost public awareness about the condition. To that end, she founded the Colorado Hoarding Task Force in 2015.

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