8 Tips on How to Clean Your House Fast and Easy
Imagine how nice it would be to learn how to clean your house fast and easy. Cleaning always takes so much time, and it must always be done in addition to your daily chores. However, if you clean your house or a regular basis, it is a great way to eliminate junk and other items to build up over time.
Do you dread weekends because you know you have to clean your house again? Until a self-cleaning house is invented, you will have to spend time on this task. The following tips will help you clean your house faster.
How to Clean Your House Fast and Easy
1. Preparation – Being prepared is key to cleaning your house quickly. Pick up all stray items and return them to their proper locations. You will be able to work much more efficiently if you concentrate on one task at a time instead of trying to both tidy and clean at once.
2. Keep Cleaning Supplies Together – Assemble all necessary cleaning supplies into a caddy for easy transport from room to room. A huge time waster is having to stop working in order to get the bathroom cleaner you forgot or more paper towels. Bring enough supplies to finish the job.
3. Concentration – Concentrate on working quickly and efficiently. You may find that listening to upbeat music or an audio book helps you clean faster. While daydreaming can be fun, you do not want to start slowing down your pace while you think about your beach vacation.
4. Control Children and Pets – If you have children, try to keep them occupied with a video or an adult family member so that you do not get interrupted. Confine any pets so that they don’t leave paw prints on your freshly mopped floor or ingest cleaners.
5. Pretreat Areas – When you first enter the room to be cleaned, pretreat areas to cut down on scrubbing. For example, toilet bowl cleaners and shower cleaners will do a better job if you wait a few moments to begin cleaning after applying the cleaner. Work on another area in the room while the cleaners to do their job.
6. One Room at a Time – Clean one room at a time and then move to the next room. You might be tempted to do all of the bathrooms at once or dust every room and then vacuum each room. This tactic wastes a lot of steps and time. Finish each room before you start in another room.
7. Create a Plan – Decide what cleaning tasks you are going accomplish for the day and stick to these jobs. Getting sidetracked is very easy when you notice that the walls need to be wiped down or the cabinet needs organized, and you do these tasks as well. A two-hour house cleaning can quickly morph into four or more hours if you add on other projects. Or, you may not have enough time to finish your regular cleaning. You can always do these extra jobs if you have enough energy after finishing your main cleaning.
8. Use a Good Cleaner – Use cleaners that perform well. Who wants to scrub more than is necessary? Since cleaning power can vary widely, check online for reviews to help guide your purchases. Despite what manufacturers would have you believe, you don’t need fifty different cleaners for every conceivable job. A good all-purpose cleaner, glass cleaner, and toilet bowl cleaner may be all you need.
8 Tips on How to Clean Your House Fast and Easy – Conclusion
While housecleaning may not be your favorite pastime, you can at least reduce the time spent on this task by being organized and working efficiently. If you eventually have too much clutter and you could use the assistance of a junk removal service in Denver or Denver Colorado areas, contact Clutter Trucker for more info. more info.

About Jennifer Hanzlick
Clutter Trucker is a Denver-based hoarding clean-out company founded by Jennifer Hanzlick. Jennifer leveraged 15 years of corporate experience in to start the company in 2008. Her mission is to help and educate individuals and their loved ones who have hoarding disorder. A featured speaker at Ted X Boulder, Jennifer works directly with community and non-profit organizations to boost public awareness about the condition. To that end, she founded the Colorado Hoarding Task Force in 2015.